Sunday 8 June 2014

deported Nigerian students to return to school in Canada

Two Nigerian students who were deported for
violating terms of their student visas will "return to
study" in Saskatchewan.
Kay Adebogun, who is the senior immigration
counsel for the women, told CBC News the
Canadian government has allowed them back into
the country.
"I'm still of the opinion that they shouldn't have
been sent back for that simple error. So that was
why we needed to do whatever we can legally to
make this day happen," said Adebogun.
Michelle Stewart, a justice studies professor at
the University of Regina and an ongoing supporter
of the students, also confirmed the two were en
route to the city to continue attending university
Deportation orders
For a few weeks in 2011, Victoria Ordu and
Favour Amadi worked at a Walmart in Regina.
Both said they did not realize it was not
permitted under the terms of their student visas.
Soon after, they received deportation orders from
the federal government.
For more than a year, the women took refuge in
four different city churches after learning they
would be forced to leave the country.
On October 11, 2013, the two returned to Nigeria
voluntarily in the hope that doing so would allow
them to return to Canada later.
Public support
While the women took sanctuary, they received a
lot of support from people in Saskatchewan.
Rallies were held to raise support for them last
Since then, the Canadian government has
changed its policy and as of this month,
international students with study permits are
allowed to work off-campus.
At the time of their departure, University of Regina
president, Vianne Timmons, met Ordu and Amadi
at the airport and vowed to help the students
come back.
Their story also drew the attention of Liberal MP
Ralph Goodale, who took their case to the House
of Commons last fall and said the women should
be allowed to stay.
At the time, the federal ministers responsible did
not concede, despite the outcry from the girls'
Ordu and Amadi are expected to arrive in Regina
from Toronto at approximately 6 p.m. CST
Adebogun told CBC News the girls' Nigerian
government scholarships have also been
Returning to the University of Regina
They two will start classes at University of Regina
the day after Canada Day, according to
"They're so happy to be back, and looking
forward to starting their studies. And above all,
very very grateful to everyone who helped them
one way or the other to ensure they can come
back," said Adebogun.
He is unsure where the girls plan to live or if they
will pursue part-time work once they arrive.
A comment from Canadian Border Services
Agency was not immediately available at the time
of publication...

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